
The Bachelor English Linguistics & Literature Program of the Department of English, International University, is designed to prepare students to meet the English needs of global education and professions. The program aims to provide students with adequate specific and practical knowledge in the fields of Language Teaching, English Linguistics and Translation – Interpreting. The program offers courses that allow students to learn professional ethics, adaptability, flexibility, communicative skills, critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Students also learn how to work independently and collaboratively in academic and professional contexts. This program is constantly updated to develop and maintain very high quality and standards.


The English Linguistics and Literature Program aims to:

PO1. provide students with the foundation and in-depth knowledge, professional skills and qualities to work efficiently in the fields of linguistics research, translation & interpreting, and English language teaching in order to support the economy and to serve the society.

PO2. train students’ communication skills at a proficient level for social, academic, and professional situations.

PO3. equip students with effective study skills and knowledge of technology so that they can take the initiative to continuously improve professionally in the era of internationalization.

PO4. develop students’ creativity, responsibility, ethical practices, and readiness for working in international and multicultural settings, both individually and in groups.


Upon completion of the English Linguistics and Literature Program, students will be able to:

PLO1. demonstrate an active command of linguistic theory and linguistic investigation in at least one area of linguistics. (Knowledge)
PLO2. select appropriate theories and tools of translation and interpreting in their translation-interpreting practice, with regard to the aesthetic values of English literary works. (Knowledge, Skills)
PLO3. perform English teaching lessons and assessment by evaluating various teaching methodologies and approaches, incorporating Global Englishes perspective, and utilizing relevant techniques and innovative technology, with respect to individual differences. (Knowledge, Skills)
PLO4. develop communication strategies in an international working environment by recognizing the relationship between language and culture and analysing the cultural factors in intercultural communications in order to work effectively in multidisciplinary teams. (Knowledge, Skills)
PLO5. display the competence in using languages (English and a second foreign language) flexibly and successfully for social, academic, and professional purposes. (Skills)
PLO6. demonstrate the ability to conduct scientific research effectively and ethically applying appropriate research methods, technology, and critical thinking. (Skills, Attitudes)

PLO7. adhere to discipline, responsibilities, and ethical practices as an individual and a team member, in both professional and social settings. (Attitudes)