Writing Center

IU Writing Center (WRIC) aims at improving students’ writing abilities through free one-on-one ONLINE tutorials. Students who are taking Intensive English (IE0, IE1, IE2, IE3), Academic English (Writing AE1, Writing AE2), English Linguistics and Literature (Writing 1, Writing 2, Research Writing) are all welcomed. Besides, students are given opportunities to practice writing and receive surprising gifts through our Monthly Challenges program.

To make an appointment, students need to: 

– Scan the QR code or follow this 

link: https://wricbooking.setmore.com/

– Click Log In to create a new profile (for the first time)

– Click Book Appointment

– Choose the appropriate level

– Select the date and time for the tutoring session

– Review the personal information and tick “I agree to the cancellation policy.

– Click Continue

– Click Book My Appointment

– Check for confirmation email

Important note: Students have to make their appointment 48 hours (2 days) before the appointment time.

On the appointment day, students need to:

– Check email for the online tutoring link (MS TEAMS).

– Email their draft or concerns about their current problems of writing skill.

To cancel the appointment, students need to confirm at least 24 hours:

– Open the confirmation email

– Click Cancel Appointment

Visit WRIC fanpage at https://www.facebook.com/hcmiuwritingcenter/ for more information or email us at wric@hcmiu.edu.vn for further support.