Second Foreign Language Requirement

Vietnamese and International  students of BA’s degree program in English Linguistics can choose one of the following: French, Japanese, Russian, Chinese, and German. International students can choose Vietnamese as their second foreign language.

Students must have a B1-level certificate or equivalent (approximately 540 periods) to complete the program. We accept certificates granted by VNU-accredited language centers.

The Framework of Reference for Second Foreign Languages

(In accordance with Decision number 170/QĐ-ĐHQG on February 27, 2018, issued by Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City)

Students majoring in BA in English Linguistics will meet the Second Foreign Language requirements if students obtain one of the following language certificates:

Reference Level Russian French German Chinese Japanese Vietnamese (for Int’l students only)
Level 3 (CEFR B1) TRKI 1 DELF B1

TCF niveau 3

B1 ZD HSK level 3 JLPT N4


Vietnamese proficiency examination for foreigners 3/6

Notes: By the time the certificate is submitted, the International University only accepts a result up to 2 years after the certificate was granted.

1. Is Korean accepted as a second foreign language?
No. In accordance with Decision number 170/QĐ-ĐHQG on February 27, 2018, issued by Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City, only one (01) of the following is accepted: French, Japanese, Russian, Chinese, and German.

2. I have a certificate (e.g., of Japanese, NAT-TEST or J-TEST) issued by a language center, which is not the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT). Is the certificate accepted?
No. Only the certificates of the specified international tests are accepted. If you choose Japanese, you need to take the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) to fulfill the second language requirement.

3. Do joint programs (e.g., UWE 2+2, 3+1, 4+0) require the second foreign language?
No. The joint programs do not have the second foreign language requirement. Only the IU program expects students to obtain a B1 certificate of the second foreign language.

4. When am I expected to submit a certificate of the second foreign language?
You can submit the certificate anytime during your study at IU. However, the certificate must be submitted at least 01 (one) month prior to the date of the anticipated graduate assessment (see the academic calendar of your anticipated graduation year).

5. To which office should I submit my certificate of the second foreign language?
Students should submit an original or a certified copy of the certificate (with the original) to the Office of School of Languages (A1.510).

6. I choose to submit a Chinese certificate (the HSK level 3) to complete the second foreign language requirement. However, before 2021, the HSK certificate only requires three (03) language skills: listening, reading, and writing. Do I have to take the HSK speaking test?
In order to meet the second language requirement,
• students who took the HSK test before 2021 are allowed to submit the Level-3 certificate of the three skills (listening, reading, and writing).
• students who take the New HSK test with four language skills are expected to submit a Level-3 certificate of the four skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) as required. In case students fail the speaking test (Level 3), students will have to retake the test.

Related documents

  • The framework of reference for second foreign languages Click here
  • VNU’s Decision of Second Language Requirement (Vietnamese): Quyết định chuẩn ngoại ngữ của ĐHQG HCM (số 170/QĐ-ĐHQG, ngày 27/02/2018) Click here