Teaching English to Young Learners

  • Course code: EL038IU/EL038WE
  • Credit number: 3
  • Previous course:  Introduction to English Teaching Methodology (EL014IU/EL014WE)
  • Course description: In terms of theory, the course will first define who young learners are; then present the difference between young learners and adult learners in order for teachers to opt for the appropriate teaching methods; next scrutinize into practical activities suitable for children in each language skill; and finally explain the ways to design, adapt, and evaluate lesson plans in teaching 4 integrated skills to young learners. Parallel with the pedagogical knowledge, students are also introduced ways to manage a classroom and to interact with parents/caregivers, which are the two distinctive features of a language classroom of young learners. In terms of practicality, through a good number of periods of observation and hands-on experience, this course will build up students’ practical skills in designing activities for each language skill, planning a lesson plan, conducting a demo-teach, and self-assessing as well as giving peer feedback after the teaching.
  • Availability : Semester 2