Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

  • Course code: UPNQ9L-30-3
  • Credit number: 30
  • Pre-requisites: None
  • Course description: Language awareness sessions covering the lexico-grammatical areas of: parts of speech, past, present, and future tenses, question forms, conditionals, passives, the perfect aspect, modal verbs, the use of articles, determiners, reported speech, phrasal verbs. Phonology sessions introducing students to the various segmental and supra-segmental features of the English language, involved in the production of connected speech. It will also consider the types of errors made by students (particularly French, German, Spanish, and EFL students) and introduce activities used to help such non-native speakers deal with some of these problems in a practical classroom context; Macro and sub-skills; The theory and practice of teaching, learning and classroom management, particularly in the 1-1 context; Syllabus design; Teacher and learner roles; The production of appropriate teaching and learning materials; Evaluation and exploitation of course books; Using audio-visual aids; Testing in language learning/teaching contexts; An examination of learner needs and motivation